3 Reasons Influencers Should Have a Trademark
Photo by Tamara Bellis on Unsplash
You’ve heard about trademarks but it’s probably often within the context of larger businesses. But did you know what you can get a trademark for your influencer business?
In this post we’ll uncover three reasons why influencers should consider applying for a trademark.
Get a Trademark to Protect Yourself as a Brand
As an influencer, you are more than just a social media personality. You are a brand.
You are selling yourself to consumers on social media to build an image and sell products or services, just like any other business would. Just like with any non-influencer type of business, it is smart to trademark the name or other key intellectual property that you want to retain. Not to mention that companies engaging in business deals with other brands prefer that those brands have trademarks so that they know the IP is protected.
Get a Trademark to Protect Yourself From Large Brands
When you partner with brands, you want to make sure you bring a trademarked name to the table so that larger companies with vastly larger legal teams steal your trademark if they decide they want to start a dedicated product line with your name or handle, or otherwise license your brand name. Locking down a trademark of your influencer handle before that happens can guarantee that you come to the bargaining table with an ironclad legal defense and much stronger bargaining chip to grant them licensing agreements to use your trademarked name in various circumstances.
Imagine a circumstance where you bargain for an influencer company collaborative line of products but don’t have control over your name or handle in a legal sense with a trademark. Imagine that company then trademarking the name from under your feet to use with their product line. Then, you have to shell out thousands more dollars in legal fees to fight the trademark application and get it filed under your name; worst case scenario, you could lose the trademark to your OWN handle and then have to start over and rebrand yourself. A nightmare scenario like this is obviously uncommon. But, the scary thing is that it could happen, so obviously you want to keep yourself safe from the worst case scenario. Better safe than sorry!
Get a Trademark as a Business Asset
Many businesses make a portion of their money just from things that come from the ownership of the brand name alone. Trademarks are valuable, they last a long time, and they make you a force to be reckoned with on the legal battlefield of business negotiations. Your brand, your name, your handle, or whatever you choose as the frontline of your influencing career is going to be the moneymaker for you. Once you grow, then the partnerships will start which will help rake in more cash. At all of these stages, it would be helpful, safe, and smart to own the name that you put out into the world and onto social media.
Trademarks are one of the best and easiest protections you can have for your business and, if you do it the right way with a professional, are a one-and-done deal. If you don’t have a trademark yet, consult a lawyer to find out how you can protect yourself.